Device Brewing Company, Sacramento CA

Background – Device Brewing Company

Ken Anthony opened Device Brewing Company in 2013.

A friend of Ken’s introduced him to the world of home brewing when Ken was in college. Ken earned his BS and MS in Structural Engineering.  Ken home brewed for years and dreamed of opening his own brewery. In late 2012 he was on the hunt for a space to rent. He finally found a space that had once been a bustling cafe that catered to the people who worked in the Power Inn industrial area.  In April of 2013, they were handed the keys to the space and away they went! Ken assembled his then “nano brewery” with a one-barrel brewhouse and four 3-barrel plastic fermenters.  The taproom opened by the end of 2013.


Devise Brewing Company is another young brewery in Sacramento area.  We visited when they were just over a year old.  Devise doesn’t have a kitchen, they do have food trucks come by and they do offer great beer.  The fact that this place specializes in IPAs made it a must stop.  They offered a 1x, 2x 3x, and a black IPA.  The 2x Anguish IPA was my favorite.  We also enjoyed the Strong Belgium Ale.  The fact that this young brewery is a start up from a young guy with a family is another draw.  We think he’ll make it.

Not far from New Glory, this is in an industrial area with no nearby hotels is noted.

Since we visited they opened tasting room in the Ice Blocks area in Midtown and in Pocket/Greenhaven.

When in the area you might also visit New Glory Brewing and River City Brewing !


