Jagged Mountain Craft Brewery, Denver, CO

Background – Jagged Mountain Craft Brewery

Jagged Mountain Craft Brewery’s motto is that it is made up of “adventurous people that make adventurous beer.” The owners are ice climbing, backpacking and canyoneering enthusiasts who have known each other for over 10 years. Wayne Burns, RJ Banat and Randy Stinson opened the brewery late in 2013 with the help of a Kickstarter campaign.  After a great start and several awards, the head brewer Wayne Burns parted ways and went to Wynkoop Brewing.  Banat and Stinson brought in Adam Glaser, formerly of the Fort Collins Brewery, as head brewer.


It is evident from the decor that the owners are into outdoor activities.  When we were there, they had 12 beers on tap.  They offered everything from a 3.7 ABV Session Porter to a 13.5 ABV Belgium quad aged in Bourbon barrels. Our favorites were: Barrel Aged Thunder Thighs with a big Bourbon nose that drinks like a sweet bourbon; and the Wolfpack, a different Black Saison with a Cardamom-Corriander nose and flavor.

Jagged Mountain does not offer food but they often have food trucks.

When walking the area, Jagged Mountain Craft Brewery is positioned somewhat between Wynkoop and Great Divide in the Ballpark area.  No nearby lodging noted.

When in the area also check out Epic Brewing and Black Project Brewing.


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