Night Shift Brewery, Everett, MA
Three friends Michael Oxton, Mike O’Mara, and Rob Burns began home brewing in a Somerville, MA kitchen in 2007. They called themselves “Night Shift Brewing” – desk workers by day, home brewers by night. In 2010, the trio began planning their own nanobrewery. By 2011, they began building a 3,000 sq. ft. 3.5BBL brewery in Everett, MA. They opened the doors in Everett in March 2012. It only took two years to outgrow their first brewery and in May 2014 moved into their current 30,000 sq. ft. location in Everett. By 2016, Night Shift Distributing began operations at a cold-storage warehouse in Chelsea where they began distributing their beer as well as other craft beer breweries.
Night Shift Brewing also created two “Owl’s Nest” beer gardens along the Charles River where inhabitants can enjoy the wide open spaces and Night Shift beer.
Just announced, a second Night Shift brewery and taproom will open on the first floor of the Converse World Headquarters in late 2018.
Owls are the theme of Night Shift Brewery with the tasting room off the brewery and some very creative craft beer. While our noses were pressed against the window looking into the brewing room, one of the brewers offered to let us have a closer look. They were just getting settled into the new digs and increasing their overall volume. Still using their large brew kettles. They are focused on innovative craft beer. We enjoyed Somer Weisse Berliner , one of the tartest we have enjoyed, and the Whirlpool Ale brewed with peaches. They didn’t have anything listed as IPA but, the Knee High brewed with Polaris hops was hoppy enough as well as the Young Guns brewed with Motueka hops from New Zealand was excellent. A real favorite in Boston area. Watch these guys as they become huge. Be sure to take one of the available bottles home!
We did not note any hotel walkable, but be sure to visit anyway.
87 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA, 02149