The Collective Brewing Project, Ft. Worth, TX


The The Collective Brewing Project is housed in a 1925 building close to Fort Worth’s Near Southside neighborhood.  They opened in August of 2014. Mike Goldfuss, co-founder and co-owner, opened the brewery full-time with his partner, Ryan Deyo, who is a full-time firefighter as well as head brewer. Ryan and Mike met in high school and were roommates in college, and they’ve been working to familiarize themselves with the ins and outs of owning a brewery by volunteering for nearby Martin House. Mike says “we exchanged free labor for the opportunity to learn as much as we possibly could from them”.


I have a new favorite in the Ft. Worth area. The Collective Brewing Project has a very cool small tasting room and the most exciting thing is that they have barrels stacked everywhere, not to mention a fueder full of deliciousness. The afternoon we were there, my favorite was the Suspicious Delicious, a smooth funky oaked Saison and the Petite Golden Sour with a nice sour nose and lemony moderately tart funky ale. Both delicious and makes me excited for the future of this brewery. The Collective Brewing Project does not offer food on site.

If I was local, I would definitely get a “Membership” to the Bottle Club!

No nearby lodging noted, Uber my freinds.




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