Wicked Weed Funkatorium, Asheville, NC

Wicked Weed Funkatorium, Asheville, NC


Another one bites the dust, Wicked Weed Funkatorium. We should be getting used to it, AB InBev purchasing Craft Breweries. The early turncoats were smaller breweries that grew large but in my book were not one of the aristocracy in the American Craft Beer Industry.  Then they got 10 Barrel. Shortly after visiting 10 Barrel in Bend, they went to the dark side. There was quite the outrage regarding that, but who would have ever imagined Wicked Weed/Wicked Weed Funkatorium ? One of a hand full of truly unique breweries that helped shape barrel aged and sour beers in America. This one is just too painful. We hear the story of how they won’t be changing and that they will be able to more easily obtain ingredients and have greater distribution. We’ll see.

AB InBev doesn’t help their credibility by promoting commercials on the Super Bowl depicting those “beer snobs” that don’t drink their mass produced crap beer. I wonder how many lobbyists the “Big Boys” have in Washington to make sure Congress continues production limits and regulations on smaller Craft Brewers to keep them from competing. How about Craft Breweries getting together across the country and creating a group purchasing organization to compete with the corporate entities for ingredients. Not to mention the public pushing for reform of archaic distribution laws created during prohibition. I know it has to be quite difficult to walk away from millions of dollars laid at your feet, isn’t that the free enterprise system we all love? Still, its like Ripley’s Believe It or Not buying and running the Smithsonian. There has got to be better options for the good of humanity.

Originally published October 31, 2015


If you are into sours and barrel aged ales Wicked Weed Funkatorium is nirvana.  The pub is one of many located in the south slope area of Asheville. Dark and cozy tasting room consisting of a bar and several long tables with a few outside.   The most impressive feature besides the variety of beer is the rows of barrels, tanks and enormous fouder that occupies the back room.  There were at least 30 beers on tap that were categorized by type and method of aging to make for some fun flights.  Bottles are available for purchase too.  The oven was not working when we were there so no flatbreads available, but the charcuterie board was delicious.  Medora, the red wine barrel aged sour, was our favorite.  The tart farmhouse, Fille de Ferme and the rum barrel aged sour ale Pompoen was also yummy.  Plenty for the IPA drinkers too-Pernicious full hop flavor and west coast piney nose satisfied as did the imperial with Brett Lusus Naturae.

The Asheville Downtown Aloft is probably the closest hotel to the funk. It is expensive and difficult to get in. If you dont enjoy traversing very hilly streets, many more hotels within a $5.00 Uber ride.




