Dogfish Head Brewery, Milton DE

Dogfish Head Brewery, Milton DE


Dogfish Head Brewery founder Sam Calagione started brewing in his kitchen in New York City. Dogfish Head has brew houses in Rehoboth, Lewes, and Milton, Delaware.

In 2019, Dogfish Head merged with Boston Beer Co. becoming the parent organization. The merger is valued at about $300 million. Dogfish Head operates two Rehoboth Beach restaurants, Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats and Chesapeake & Maine, as well as the Dogfish Head Inn in Lewes. It is not yet known if the restaurants and hotel will be part of the merger with Boston Beer.


Dogfish Head Brewery is an awesome facility and one of my favorites breweries.  Great metal tree house from Burning Man. The brewery gives four free tastes, we got Namaste, Kvasir, Noble Rot and Midas Touch.  Next round was 60 minute IPA, 90 minute IPA, Burton Baton & English Pale Ale.  Had to get a taste of 120 minute IPA. Friendly patrons and great barkeeps.  You can even get your picture taken at the photo booth.

We went on to Rehoboth Beach and stayed at the Boardwalk Plaza (highly recommended). The best 24 hr hot tub in the country!  Walked to the Dogfish Head Ale House for beers and dinner.  Enjoyed lump crab pizza and crab bisque. Enjoyed more Dogfish ales, Festiva Peche and tried the new Dogfish distilled items like honey dew gin & tonic. A must visit!

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